
Ladies Night Out!  Come out for our Cozy Christmas @ 6:30 pm on December 12th.  Come out for Dinner, Music, Mugs * Mitten Swap.  There will door prizes, a hot-coca bar, crafts and a wrap room.  Come out for some great fellowship!

Church Leadership Luncheon

This Sunday, February 16th right after the Worship Service

If you are a leader in any of the ministries here at FamilyNaz from Ladies or Men’s Ministry, to kids ministry, grounds keeping, First Impression aka greeters, etc., we want to invite you to our Church Leadership Luncheon this Sunday, February 16th right after our worship service.  

We will have lunch together and then go over things that of importance about our ministries.  Bring your dates so we can put them on the calendar for the coming year.

And the Kids department will have their annual KIDS Indoor-Campout on Friday, February 21st from 7pm to 9am.  This is for kids ages 5 years to 6th grade. Cost is $20 per child or /$40 CAP per family.  There are going to be Games and Prizes.  Camp food and fun!  Adults and Youth Volunteers are need to help.  For more in formation please Mrs Linda.

Kids Indoor Campout

Friday, February 21, 2025

And the Kids department will have their annual KIDS Indoor-Campout on Friday, February 21st from 7pm to 9am.  This is for kids ages 5 years to 6th grade. Cost is $20 per child or /$40 CAP per family.  There are going to be Games and Prizes.  Camp food and fun!  Adults and Youth Volunteers are need to help.  For more in formation please Mrs Linda.

Adult Bible Study resumes and is every Wednesday. Family Dinner at 5:30pm and Pray and Bible Study at 6:pm.  Come and joins as Paster Gray walks to the bible and dig deeper in the God's Word.


Every Wednesday, @ 5:30pm & 6pm

Adult Bible Study resumes and is every Wednesday. Family Dinner at 5:30pm and Pray and Bible Study at 6:pm.  Come and joins as Paster Gray walks to the bible and dig deeper in the God's Word.

Adult Bible Study resumes and is every Wednesday. Family Dinner at 5:30pm and Pray and Bible Study at 6:pm.  Come and joins as Paster Gray walks to the bible and dig deeper in the God's Word.

Women's MinistryCanvas Painting with Vicki Freeman

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 @ 6:30pm

The Women's Ministry will have their 'Secret Sisters Reveal Party' on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 @ 6:30pm. Come and join us for a night of painting. No skill level required. Vicki will help you create your very own masterpiece. Cost is $35. Pay Vera ahead of time so she knows you're coming!

The Women's Ministry will start the New Year off with a GAME Night.  Bring a friend or family member with you and bring your favorite snacks to share!  Come and fellowship with other ladies.  A great way to induce your friends and family to the church with out coming to church.  Come and show the love of Jesus Christ to others!

Women's Ministry
Kick-Off Game Night

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 @ 6:30pm

The Women's Ministry will start the New Year off with a GAME Night.  Bring a friend or family member with you and bring your favorite snacks to share!  Come and fellowship with other ladies.  A great way to induce your friends and family to the church with out coming to church.  Come and show the love of Jesus Christ to others!

The Women's Ministry will have their 'Secret Sisters Reveal Party' on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 6:30pm. Come and find out who was who's secret sister.  The will be drawing name for Secret Sisters for 2025 so you don't want miss the event!


April 5, 2025 @ 9 am

The Men's Ministry will have their Men's Ministry Breakfast on March 8th at 9am. Come and join us as we discuss ways that we can connect and serve.

The Men's Ministry will have their Men's Ministry Breakfast on March 8th at 9am. Come and join us as we discuss ways that we can connect and serve.

Missions Luncheon

April 27, 2025 following Worship Service

The Missions Team will have their Spring Missions Luncheon on April 27th following the Worship Service. Come and join us as we discuss ways that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to our local area as well as internationally.

And we had a meeting a few week ago for the Missions Trip to El Salvador in March of 2025. There will be another meeting for those planning to go on October 20th after the worship service. in the Children's Church room. There they will have information on how to reregister online and fill out the necessary paperwork.This event will be held at Richfield Church of the Nazarene on Mount Morris Road on October 12, from 12 until 2pm. Rosie McCoy is heading that up this year and we need a group of volumeters to help pack these food containers. So, if you would like help or sign-up. please see Rosie McCoy after service.

Fancy Game Night

February 15, 2025

Fancy Game Night is coming up February 15th.  This is open to all 6th-12th graders. It will be a night of fun and prizes and plenty of games.  There is one catch - It is formal attire only.  We only have a limited number of spots available for this event and it fills up every year.  Pastor Jackson has opened registration to FamilyNaz first. This is $20 until January. 24th then it goes up to $25 and $30 on February 7th.  Don't miss this event!  It's fun, they serve you dinner, you hang out with friends from the whole district and there will be over $500 worth of prizes for you to win.  Register now at


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