
It's FALL BACK TIME! Set you clocks back 1 hour at 2am on November 3, 2024.  So at 2am set it back to 1am.  You get and extra hour to sleep-in or you will be early for church and will sing with the band.  LOL!


December 8, 2024 from 5 - 7pm

Join us here at FamilyNaz for our annual REINDEER GAMES on December 8th from 5pm - 7pm.  Join us for some fun and wacky games for the whole family.  There are door prizes so you don't want to miss it!  FamilyNaz Reindeer Games December 8th.

We are excited to invite you to Season 2 of “The CHOSEN” Bible study.  We will begin this Wednesday evening at 6PM and will begin with prayer.  No books are needed and you can jump in and come any week, as each week is a separate study.

If you have children bring them! Everyone will view the movie together (Approximately 30 minutes) and then the children will be dismissed to their area. Great discussion takes place in both places and Nursery and Pre-School is also available.  We hope you will join us on Next Wednesday for the start of The CHOSEN Season 2!

The CHOSEN Season 2

Every Wednesday @ 6:00 pm

We are excited to invite you to Season 2 of “The CHOSEN” Bible study.  We will begin this Wednesday evening at 5:30PM with Family Dinner and Prayer and bible study to begin @ 6PM.

No books are needed and you can jump in and come any week, as each week is a separate study.

Great discussion takes place about the video and the bible.  Nursery and Pre-School is also available.  We hope you will join us on Next Wednesday for the start of The CHOSEN Season 2!

FamilyKids and Missions On The Move this week will participate in CASH CAB.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024 @ 6pm

FamilyKids and Missions On The Move this week will participate in CASH CAB this Wednesday night.  All children are encouraged to bring $5.  We will be traveling around our community sharing blessings with lots of people.  If you are a parent that would like to help drive, please contact Miss Linda.

Ladies Night Out!  Come out for our Cozy Christmas @ 6:30 pm on December 12th.  Come out for Dinner, Music, Mugs * Mitten Swap.  There will door prizes, a hot-coca bar, crafts and a wrap room.  Come out for some great fellowship!


Thursday, December 12, 2024 @ 6:30 pm

Attention ladies! This Thursday will be our annual LADIES NIGHT OUT.- Cozy Christmas.  We will be sharing a beautiful dinner, a mug or mittens, swap, special Christmas music, and a wonderful devotional!  Following dinner, there will be two crafts that will be available for everyone to create, as well as our annual Christmas wrap room.  The cost is only $5.

Consider bringing a friend.  It’s going to be a very special evening!  

Our annual FAMILY CHRISTMAS LIGHT SCAVENGER HUNT will be held on Wednesday, December 18th from 6 i 8 pm. Grand prize is a $100 bill just in time for Christmas!   Families  participate as families in their own separate cars looking for LOTS of Christmas Lights. Come and enjoy a great night spent with family!

Family Christmas Light

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 from 6-8pm

Our annual FAMILY CHRISTMAS LIGHT SCAVENGER HUNT will be held on Wednesday, December 18th from 6 i 8 pm. Grand prize is a $100 bill just in time for Christmas!   Families  participate as families in their own separate cars looking for LOTS of Christmas Lights. Come and enjoy a great night spent with family!

FamilyNaz Student Ministries will host their annual Youth Christmas Party on December 18th from 6-8 pm here at FamilyNaz.  This is a White Elephant, Themed Snacks and Food will be provided. Cost is $11.45 Exactly,


Wednesday, December 18, 2024 from 6-8 pm

FamilyNaz Student Ministries will host their annual Youth Christmas Party on December 18th from 6-8 pm.  Calling all Teens, 6th-12th grade, to come on out for our Christmas Party!  Expect Food, games, Laughter and fun.  Bring a white elephant for the exchange - only there is a twist. Your gift must be related to the topic of “snacks” and must cost you exactly $11.45.  Bring a friend and meet downstairs on Wednesday the 18th for our Christmas party!

And we had a meeting a few week ago for the Missions Trip to El Salvador in March of 2025. There will be another meeting for those planning to go on October 20th after the worship service. in the Children's Church room. There they will have information on how to reregister online and fill out the necessary paperwork.This event will be held at Richfield Church of the Nazarene on Mount Morris Road on October 12, from 12 until 2pm. Rosie McCoy is heading that up this year and we need a group of volumeters to help pack these food containers. So, if you would like help or sign-up. please see Rosie McCoy after service.

Christmas Eve Service

December 24, 2024 form 5pm - 6pm

Join us for our Christmas Eve Service December 24th from 5pm - 6pm. Join us for Christmas music from our Praise & Worship Band along with special music from soloists, duets and performance from our children's department.

And we had a meeting a few week ago for the Missions Trip to El Salvador in March of 2025. There will be another meeting for those planning to go on October 20th after the worship service. in the Children's Church room. There they will have information on how to reregister online and fill out the necessary paperwork.
This event will be held at Richfield Church of the Nazarene on Mount Morris Road on October 12, from 12 until 2pm. Rosie McCoy is heading that up this year and we need a group of volumeters to help pack these food containers. So, if you would like help or sign-up. please see Rosie McCoy after service.


December 31, 2024 form 6pm - 9am LOCK-IN

Get ready for a night of fun.  This year our youth are having a Lock-in.  Come hang out, watch the ball drop and have lots of fun all night long.  Be ready for games, relays, food and friends.  Make sure to invite your friends!  This is a Jr High and Sr High event.


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